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OxyFit Vibrating Exhaler

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Original price was: $99.99.Current price is: $37.99.



Get rid of your persistent cough at home

Years of breathing polluted city air, drinking contaminated water, catching colds and flu all lead to mucus build up. When excessive mucus accumulates in the airways it blocks free passage of air, which can affect your respiratory system’s efficiency. This build-up can trigger persistent coughing, shortness of breath, clogged nose and chest tightness.

Breathing in and out with the OxyFit vibrating exhaler for just 5-10 minutes a day corrects the root cause of your problems by loosening the mucus stuck in your airways allowing you to cough it out with ease.

it can be used anywhere

An evidence-based solution that eliminates your cough

Working with a top pulmonologist, we developed a breakthrough solution that’s guaranteed to improve your breathing.

As you deeply exhale through OxyFit, the stainless steel ball vibrates, passing over vibrations to the air particles. These powerful particles begin to travel down your body, reaching the airways in your lungs.

The pressure and vibrations get behind the mucus wall and help loosen it, allowing you to take a deep breath and cough it all out naturally, giving you that sense of relief and easy breathing again.

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OxyFit Vibrating Exhaler

OxyFit Vibrating Exhaler

Original price was: $99.99.Current price is: $37.99.

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